Upholstery Fabrics Nelson

While choices can appear never ending, we offer an excellent selection of reputable, well known brands. 

Indoor fabrics

In-style Upholstery has an extensive selection of fabrics to choose from including well-known brands like Charles Parsons,Warwicks, James Dunlop, Mokum, and Textillia, as well as classic choices like Italian and NZ leather and the ever-practical vinyl in the latest colour trends.

Yes, the choice can be overwhelming but once we have an understanding of your requirements we can talk through things and direct you to the most suitable choice for your needs.

Outdoor fabrics

We have an exceptional range of outdoor fabric samples. From most of the popular brands on the market – Warwicks, Sunbrella & Charles Parsons. These companies provide a superb range of UV-stabilised, hard-wearing outdoor fabrics that have been created to combat the harsh New Zealand conditions. 

Marine vinyl is also a sensible option for squabs and although it is shower-resistant, it is not rain-resistant as many people think. We have the solution! Ask us about our quick-dry foam material that combines cleverly with our vinyl and outdoor fabric options to minimise the impact of wet weather conditions.

Contact us for a free, no-obligation quote today.